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Steve Shaw Computer Services
Callout service offered to your home or office in these postcode areas:
Bath (BA)
BA1, BA2, BA13, BA14, BA15
Bristol (BS)
BS1, BS2, BS3, BS4, BS5, BS6, BS7, BS8, BS9, BS10, BS11, BS13, BS14, BS16, BS20, BS21, BS30, BS31, BS32, BS34, BS35, BS36, BS37, BS39
Gloucester (GL)
GL2, GL4, GL5, GL6, GL7, GL8, GL9, GL10, GL11, GL12, GL13, GL53
Swindon (SN)
SN1, SN2, SN3, SN4, SN5, SN6, SN11, SN12, SN13, SN14, SN15, SN16
or help by phone available anywhere in UK
Jargon-free computer help
PC and laptop computer setup
Computer repairs and upgrades
Internet and email problems fixed
Documents and pictures backed up
Files rescued from faulty computers
Tablet, phone and smart TV setup
Virus removal
Website design - see examples
Web & email hosting
Remote support
Most other things - just ask!

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